Featured Powerlifting 

Burnet powerlifters finish 1st, 2nd at own meet

The Burnet High School powerlifting teams took top honors from its own meet Jan. 11.

The Lady Dawgs won the girls division, while the Bulldogs finished as the runners-up in the boys division.

Powerlifting head coach Tyler McIntosh noted winning these team awards means athletes had to perform at a high standard, too.

“We had multiple athletes place in the top five of their weight class, earning team points and medals,” he said.

Abby Smith was the gold medalist in her weight class thanks to posting a squat of 290 pounds, a bench press of 170 pounds, and a deadlift of 280 pounds for a total of 740 pounds.

Several of her teammates finished as silver medalists. They include Alexis Leatherwood with a 305-pound squad, a 135-pound bench press, and a 300-pound deadlift for a total of 740 pounds; Maddi Moise with a 250-pound squat, a 185-pound bench press, and a 300-pound deadlift for a total of 735 pounds; Josie Teague with a 235-pound squat, a 125-pound bench press, and a 210-pound deadlift for a total of 570 pounds; and Kimberly Watson with a 285-pound squat, a 150-pound bench press, and a 280-pound deadlift for a total of 715 pounds.

Bronze medalists were Hailee Beltran with a 185-pound squat, a 115-pound bench press, and a 240-pound deadlift for a total of 540 pounds; Maddy Cardenas with a 260-pound squat, a 160-pound bench press, and a 290-pound deadlift for a total of 710 pounds; and Halle Maxwell with a 180-pound squat, 105-pound bench press, and a 185-pound deadlift for a total of 470 pounds.

Brady Rygaard and Brandon Westbrook were the gold medalists for the Bulldogs.

Rygaard recorded a squat of 475 pounds, a bench press of 335 pounds, and a deadlift of 500 pounds for a total of 1,310 pounds. Westbrook had a squat of 500 pounds, a bench press of 315 pounds, and a deadlift of 450 pounds for a total of 1,265 pounds.

Silver medals went to Johnny Charron, who had a 420-pound squat, 280-pound bench press, 450-pound deadlift for a total of 1,150 pounds, and to Luke Hudgins, who had a squat of 490 pounds, a bench press of 330 pounds, and a deadlift of 510 pounds.

Bronze medalists were Sammy Jones with a squat of 430 pounds, a bench press of 260 pounds, and a deadlift of 360 pounds for a total of 1,050 pounds and to Jack VanAartsen with a squat of 495 pounds, a bench press of 350 pounds, and a deadlift of 485 pounds for a total of 1,330 pounds.

“Coach (Zane) Hicks and I are super proud of how our athletes conducted themselves, and how they competed,” McIntosh said. “We look forward to what the rest of the season has to offer.”

Burnet will compete in the Lampasas Invitational Thursday, Jan. 18.


Burnet (squat-bench press-deadlift–total)

Boys, second overall in the team standings

1, Brady Rygaard, 475-335-500–1,310; 1, Brandon Westbrook, 500-315-450–1,265; 2, Johnny Charron, 420-280-450–1,150; 2, Luke Hudgins, 490-330-510–1,330; 3, Sammy Jones, 430-260-360–1,050; 3, Jack VanAartsen, 495-350-485–1,330; 4, Adler Goehring, 360-225-440-1,025; 4, Johnathan Ryder, 425-225-405–1,055; 5, Kalvin Hubbard, 350-235-365–950; 6, Aeden Harrison, 385-255-390–1,030; 6, Nathan Torres, 395-235-385–1,015; 7, Braeden McKenzie, 345-230-320–895; 8, Traeton Nelson, 330-200-530–845

Girls, first overall in the team standings

1, Abby Smith, 290-170-280–740; 2, Alexis Leatherwood, 305-135-300–740; 2, Maddi Moise, 250-185-300–735; 2, Josie Teague, 235-125-210–570; Kimberly Watson 285-150-280–715; 3, Hailee Beltran, 185-115-240–540; 3, Maddy Cardenas, 260-160-290-710; Halle Maxwell, 180-105-185–470; 4, Kasey Watson, 205-125-235–565; 4, Gracie Farmer, 190-115-240–545; 7, Carleigh Imrie, 215-85-205–505

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